PAYDAY The Heist this is a first person shooter, in which four hardened criminals, driven by zeal to break the next jackpot, time after time raid on a variety of businesses. You will be involved in six major robberies, you have the pile of barrels and accessories, but for your shoulders three mothers running mate AI or real players.
2011 | PC | english | developer : Overkill Software | Publisher : Sony Online Entertainment | 1.16 GB
genre : Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Six crazy robberies.
Co op for four.
Endless replayability.
The Tree leveling.
your skills your paint on a canvas of cruelty.
Exchange of hostages.
Downloadable content: New robberies, new weapons, new experiences.
Feature Repacka:
Do not recoded
Enclosing tablet
Setting time 5 10 minutes
RePacked by GidroFobia
System requirement:
OS:vv!nd0vv$ XP SP2 / vv!nd0vv$ Vista / vv!nd0vv$ 7
Processor: Pentium 4 с частотой 3 ГГц или Athlon 3400+
Memory: 1 ГБ (XP) / 2 ГБ (Vista/Windows7)
Hard Disk Space: 3,5 Гб
Video Card: NVIDIA 7800GTX или ATI x1900
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